Join your peers for a convening of intercity passenger rail colleagues in California to discuss current issues, strategize on funding, explore emerging and new technologies, inform elected officials, share best practices, and nurture/expand relationships to help us achieve the State’s vision and address the unique needs of each of our services. This in-person two-day event will bring together industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to collaborate and shape the future of rail transportation in the state.
Professionals Working in Intercity Passenger Rail, including: elected officials, planners, engineers, project managers, analysts, government administration staff, marketing and communications staff, operators, consultants, students, and advocates working at the intersection of intercity passenger, regional, and freight rail.
The 2024 California Passenger Rail Summit (CPRS) is brought to you by the Rail Association of Southern California (RASC), the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), and the CPRS Planning Committee.
The CPRS Planning Committee has representation from the LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (JPA), San Joaquin JPA, Coast Rail Coordinating Council, Coachella Valley Rail, Caltrans Division of Rail, Riverside County Transportation Commission, Transportation Agency for Monterey County, SANDAG, and RASC.